Pick One Piece of Trash and Save One Life #TravelResponsibly

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#Ecowarriors, did you know that May is Ocean Month?

Apparently, the month of May is tagged as Ocean Month, according to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources or DENR.

In 1995, then-President Fidel V. Ramos signed the Proclamation No. 75 which mandates the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) to spearhead the activities of MOO (Month of the Ocean) in collaboration with the different sectors of the society.

Relatively, this year marks its 16th year in our country. The month-long celebration aims to highlight the importance and significance of conservation, protection, and sustainable management of Philippine coastal and marine resources.

As described in the DENR website, this year’s theme, “STAND UP, SAVE OUR REEFS” emphasizes the cause and effect relationship of our actions towards the environment and the ecosystem services and goods that the oceans provide to create a flourishing community.

True to our vision and mission to conserve, preserve, and protect our environment, Eco Hotel Philippines is also launching a campaign called #travelresponsibly.

Under the #travelresponsibly campaign are activities that will persevere our desire to save Mother Earth by traveling responsibly.

This campaign also aims to educate our nation particularly the younger generation, travelers, tourists, that picking one piece of trash can save one life; could be a human being, an animal, or even save the lives of plants and trees. Hence the activity name, “pick one save one.”

In a succinct manner, the “pick one save one” campaign is a clean-up drive in our properties in Bohol, Palawan, and Siargao. The #travelresponsibly campaign is also for our local properties in Makati, Tagaytay, and Mataasnakahoy, Batangas through a series of tours with our fellow #ecowarriors.

In June, we will be opening our properties to the public as a “refilling station” for shampoo, conditioner, and bath gels. The said items were made according to our strict compliance: ingredients should be eco-friendly and hypoallergenic.

Having to share all these information, are you willing to join this campaign? Come and support us! After all, we are all under one horizon.

For partnerships, please email us at marketing@ecohotels.com.ph.

Keep up to date by following us on social media: Facebook.com/ecohotelph and IG: ecohotelph.

Eco Hotel Philippines in a nutshell

Eco Hotel Philippines is a company that is passionate about conservation, preservation, and protection of our environment. As a green service hotel, Eco Hotels ensures that Eco-friendly processes are implemented from construction to day-to-day operations. This is aligned with its advocacy of minimizing its impact on the environment while imparting practices of sustainability to their staff and guests.

We aim at implementing eco-tourism principles, the protection of the environment and its eco system, preservation of the natural and cultural heritage; to benefit the immediate community where it stands; by educating and giving employment to the locals and effectively convey the message to our guests that each one can be a part of the same mission to protect their environment.

Press Release

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