Monthly Archives: December 2011

tuesday travel: christmas all over the world

Tuesday Travel, travel, Christmas

A few weeks back, we were able to witness SM Pampanga’s launch of their Christmas Around The World Display, where replicas of famed landmarks all around the world, including The Netherlands windmills, Italy’s gondolas, United States’ Statue of Liberty, England’s Big Ben were unveiled. These are installed to add in to the feel of Christmas + to become additional attraction to the mall’s patrons + shoppers.

Tuesday Travel, travel, Christmas, SM PampangaWe had a great time pausing in front of the different famous landmarks + the little man had a blast playing with the larger than life gift displays + the colorful confetti 🙂 I am only glad his tita agreed to tag along so we can have a volunteer photographer ^_^ Check out more of our photos here + here.

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traveling with little kids

traveled to Manila for our Postcrossing EB, with my little man

Traveling with the little ones can really be so much stressful + can take much from your energy. Not only will it be extra difficult moving about with a kiddo that is just a bagful of energies, but you will also have to carry a bagful of baby + children essentials, too.

That is why it is best to be  prepared when traveling with your little ones. Here are a few tips to ace it without losing your patience or your grip!

  1. Don’t bring the entire house with you. Mums tend to go overboard + pack whichever items come to mind so they end up with a bigger baggage compared to what’s originally planned. Learn the art of organized packing and make sure to bring what’s only necessary to avoid excess baggage.
  2. To keep the tantrums at bay, keep the little ones full by bringing lots of food they can munch on, especially on long trips, and keep them entertained by packing a few toys + books, too.
  3. The little children should always be in a car seat, if you do not have a car seat {like me}, make sure you sit beside your kiddo or carry him on your lap in the duration of the trip. Sitting in front of the car is also a big no no!
  4. Make sure the little ones take their nap prior to your trip or have them sleep in the car while traveling, that way the will have enough energy to enjoy wherever it is that you are going.
  5. A few must-have’s in your baby bag: an extra change of clothes for your little one, baby wipes, extra diapers, bottles + milk, his very own water bottle.

My little man is slowly growing up + little by little we manage to travel with only too few accoutrements, that can fit my little mailman bag. Hopefully when he gets much bigger, I’ll be able to get rid of carrying bulky + over-sized carry-alls! I will tell you more about our recent trip to Manila next time 🙂

Anyway, on another note, WBFC {which this blog has participated on several occasions} has a new home + a new host. Mommy Rubz passed the torch to sis Ane just a few days ago. To start the ball rolling we are back to square one + following each other’s blog via GFC {mine is just somewhere there in my sidebar, so I hope you will indulge me ^_^}. Do leave a comment to let me know you dropped by + I shall be delighted to return the favor.


If you haven’t joined WBFC, it’s about time you do. Apart from getting more followers, you might just win $5 Paypal cash, too, courtesy of our generous sponsors for the week: Our Travels and Home Stuff 101. By the way, don’t forget to check out my little giveawaywhile your here. 🙂 

Photo credits go to Gene, who blogs at Wandering Gene.

2012 philippine holidays

2012 Philippine Holidays, travel, holidays

It is best to be updated with the latest holiday proclamations especially when planning for your travels + holidays next year. It will help you plot your itineraries more efficiently + book those flights + accommodations without the glitch.

Regular holidays for 2012

  1. New Year’s Day              January 1 (Sunday)
  2. Maundy Thursday         April 5
  3. Good Friday                    April 6
  4. Araw ng Kagitingan       April 9 (Monday)3
  5. Labor Day                        May 1 (Tuesday)
  6. Independence Day         June 12 (Tuesday)
  7. National Heroes Day     August 27 (Last Monday of August)
  8. Bonifacio Day                 November 30 (Friday)
  9. Christmas Day                December 25 (Tuesday
  10. Rizal Day                          December 30 (Sunday)

Special (Non-Working) Days

  1. Chinese New Year          January 23 (Monday)
  2. Ninoy Aquino Day         August 21 (Tuesday)
  3. All Saints Day                 November 1 (Thursday)
  4. All Souls Day                  November 2 (Friday)
  5. Last Day of the Year      December 31 (Monday)
Note: Proclamation No. 295 also states that Malacañang shall declare holidays for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha {which is expected to be around August 19 + October 26, respectively} after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar or the lunar calendar.
image from