Weekend Blog Follower Caravan ~ Email Subscription

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Time again for the Weekend Blog Follower Caravan + the task for this week is to subscribe to each other via e-mail. Perfect timing, since I’ve just been building up the following for this travel + postcard blog + have not really gotten around to coercing my friends to subscribe πŸ˜‰ So, be such a darling + subscribe to my blog thru email, the subscription widget is just there in my sidebar, I will be more than happy to return the favor πŸ™‚

Remember that by joining this weekly blogger-helping-other-blogger meme you do not only get a chance to get more followers, but you also get a chance to win $10! That is right, instead of having 2 winners of $5 each, our lovely host decides to give it to one very lucky person. The prize money this week is courtesy of our generous sponsors:M.O.M.andΒ My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf.

So join now if you haven’t already! Just click on the badge for more details about this bloghop! πŸ™‚

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