beautiful birds stamps

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For today’s Sunday Stamps, here are a number of bird stamps that I have received in my imaginary mailbox. The first set is sent from a direct swap with someone from Hong Kong for a number of cool Lightning McQeen and his gang postcards for the little man. The birds featured in these stamps include: scarlet minivet, collared owls, fork-tailed sun bird, white-bellied sea eagle. They all lovely won’t you agree?

The second set of birds stamps of green-winged pigeons is sent by a friend who went to Malaysia earlier this year and was gracious enough to send me a lovely postcard of the place.

The third set of stamps are also from Malaysia, which I got from a direct swap in one of our Postcrossing group, this comes with a beautiful postcard of the lovely buildings in the country.

Oh well, I hope you like all these birds stamp I share with you today. Will be back for more stamps next weekend. Happy postcrossing and have an equally enjoyable Sunday! ^_^

16 thoughts on “beautiful birds stamps

  1. Eva

    I like your choice, specially the Malaysian first birds. I don’t know a word about birds, but they remember some birds I can see around here. Have a good Sunday!

    1. musings on meanderings Post author

      thank you. birds are really quite a joy to watch, but we only get to see a lot of beautiful varieties when we visit the zoo. don’t you just wish you can see these birds in your backyard? have a good one, too! 🙂

    1. musings on meanderings Post author

      it is a good thing i keep photos of all the cards + stamps i received, it makes creating posts like this a lot easier, but i also need to update that file 🙂

    1. musings on meanderings Post author

      that’s so true. i don’t even know half of the bird species i’ve discovered on my stamps. good thing i joined this meme 😀

    1. musings on meanderings Post author

      birds are really quite interesting to look at. Am glad I have a bunch of them in my collection 🙂


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