Tag Archives: Christmas

Sunday Stamps: Pasko 2014 Stamps

I have not been really active with swapping postcards of late as I’ve one too many preoccupations, but I managed to swap a couple of cards over the course of 2 weeks and look what I got in the mail recently along with the lovely card ~ this lovely Pasko 2014 stamp, which was recently released in our country.

Here is a brief description about the Pasko 2014 stamps from phlpost.gov.ph:

Block of 4 stamps depicting the Filipino Christmas in artwork and when put side by side in a block of four, the four stamps form the Filipino lantern in the middle.

  • Stamp 1 features the new born Jesus with Mary and Joseph in traditional Filipino clothing
  • Stamp 2 features the all time favorite Christmas caroling
  • Stamp 3 “Pagmamano”, a symbol of respect for elderly Filipinos
  • Stamp 4 is an illustration of the traditional Noche Buena or the Christmas Eve feast of every Filipino family

Thank you so much Raine for sending me the lovely card along with the stamp. Hopefully I’d be able to get some of these stamps when I visit the local Post Office to send some cards next week.

To see more beautiful stamps, do visit the other entries for this week’s:

second image is from www.phlpost.gov.ph

sending Christmas cards

Christmas, Christmas Cards

Apart from postcrossing I also enjoy sending cards to my dear friends. Now that Christmas is upon us again, I will be busy writing a number of Christmas cards to send to my close friends both here + abroad. I’ve also joined Christmas swaps on some of my groups on Facebook, so I will be busy writing on cards + sealing envelopes in days to come.

Anyway, were out last weekend for a family bonding + I went on my usual stop to the bookstore. + since my search for Christmas cards online is futile {if I searched for online virus scanner, I would’ve been more succesful! ;)}, I went out to search for the perfect Christmas card to send. This particular one caught my fancy + decided that it will be perfect to send to people who are missing the Philippines + those who have no inkling of how we celebrate Christmas here.

Christmas, Christmas cards

What made this Hallmark card perfect to give out this holiday season is that it benefits L.I.F.E or the Leukemic Indigents Fund Endowment, which is a charitable organization dedicated tos ave the lives of poor children with leukemia by way of sustained medical treatment. Now that’s what I call Christmas cards for a cause.

If you will be shopping for Christmas cards, don’t forget to grab a dozen of these cards, right? The beautiful design will delight any recipient, plus you help L.I.F.E help children with Leukemia.

sending christmas postcards to spread the holiday cheer!

postcards, Christmas

I saw a bunch of this Christmas-themed postcard at the bookstore, one time I was browsing for new designs to add to my stash. I thought the Christmas season is only a few weeks away so I decided to buy everything on display. Unfortunately they only have 10 pieces left of this design, + there seems to be no other Christmas postcard available at the time.

Sending Christmas postcards is one way of spreading the holiday cheer to people anywhere in the globe + I would not pass on the chance to spread this along to my swap mates + friends. Of course, if I only I could I’d send gifts like books, jewelries or lacoste cologne, but since I lack the budget, I say postcards are the perfect alternative.

I shall be mailing most of them for my 12.12.12 swaps + I hope they will help in making their recipients have a merrier Christmas! ^_^

What sort of Christmas postcards are you sending this year?