If you are lucky enough to have the option of taking a cruise holiday at any point in the coming months then you’ve every reason to be seriously excited. There are few if any more relaxing ways to spend time and to enjoy yourself in completely uninterrupted comfort and luxury. Nowhere is that more so than on-board the fleet of ships operated by Celebrity Cruises, where staff typically out-number guests by something close to two-to-one. And no ship in the fleet is generating more of a buzz right now than the Celebrity Eclipse.
The Eclipse made its maiden journey back in 2010 and since that time she as been winning over even the most hard-to-please and well-travelled cruisers. The focus in general aboard each Celebrity vessel is on delivering exceptionally high quality services and a truly luxurious experience. But within that context there are elements of inspiration and perhaps even quirkiness that make the Eclipse all the more memorable and a famously fun place to spend time. The day-time excursions and the regions you visit will have much to say about how much of a wonderful cruise you end up having of course but insofar as your ship plays its part, there is much to recommend the Eclipse.
Among the winning features that the Eclipse now offers is the iLounge, which reflects the fact that today’s cruise holidaymakers want to have full access to the internet and they want to be able to surf the web or check their emails in an environment as comfortable as anywhere else on the ship. Beyond that you’ll find all the usual activities and on-board features that make modern cruise ships as close to a floating paradise as you can imagine. But if Celebrity’s offerings don’t tick all your boxes for any reason you should perhaps take a look at some of the latest Royal Caribbean cruises available for the rest of this year and into next.