Tag Archives: Great Britain

Do Brits need travel insurance when travelling in Britain?

Big Ben + the Parliament House

So you’ve made the decision not to go abroad for your annual holiday this year. Perhaps you were thinking that the travelling was too much. Or the financial costs just weren’t worth the holiday you would get. It may be that you have a tie to home that means you might need to get back quickly. Whatever the reason, you shouldn’t cancel out purchasing travel insurance. 

Get covered

Although it might not seem necessary, travel insurance is still something you should seriously consider when going on holiday in the UK. You can buy online travel insurance at the click of a button so there’s no excuse for not taking out a policy. Although most people tend to assume that travel insurance is designed to cover any medical costs that you might incur while abroad, it also covers a lot of other things as well. The NHS facilities that are available in the UK is the main reason why people might not bother with extra insurance; if they have an accident or fall ill, they will automatically be covered anyway.

Extra cover

When you go on holiday, there are a number of other elements that are covered by your travel insurance. What if you have booked and paid for everything then at the last minute, you have to cancel due to illness or a personal emergency? The money that you spent on your holiday will be lost if you don’t have any insurance; something you might not even have considered.

On top of that, if you have any of your belongings stolen, you may also find that your luck has run out. While your belongings could be covered by your home insurance, many policies don’t account for items being taken out of the house. And if you don’t have any home insurance, you’re unlikely to be covered for any thefts or losses.

Don’t make assumptions

It can be easy to assume that if you get travel insurance with your bank account or you bought an annual policy, then you will be covered in the UK as well as when you are abroad. This is not necessarily the case and you will need to check the details of each individual policy. On top of that, some insurers will only cover you if you are a certain amount of miles away from home.

Generally, when you buy a travel insurance policy for a holiday abroad, you will be covered for everything in all the countries you travel to. When it comes to staying in the UK for your holiday, the policies can impose restrictions. Personal liability may not be included and you may find yourself with location problems if you have to be hospitalized. With the right policy, you can be transferred to a hospital closer to your home, making things easier for your family members and yourself when you can go home. Without any insurance, you could be stuck in a hospital and your family could be at home literally hundreds of miles away. With all this in mind, travel insurance should still be an essential purchase for your holiday wherever it is.

Lauren Sutton is a regular travel writer for 24/7 Travel Insurance. While Lauren loves living and working in Britain, when it comes to holidays, she is most likely to jet abroad to the nearest hot and sandy beach.

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