Tag Archives: Massachusetts

Massachusetts State Map Card

postcards, map cards, 50 US States map cards

Here is another beautiful map card to add to my 50 US States map card collection.

This map card features some of the most famous landmarks in Massachusetts, including the Capitol Building, Faneuil Hall, Pilgrim Memorial and Maple Sugar. It also shows the industries in which the State is well-known for like fishing, paper mills, jewelry, textile, chemicals and shoes. I bet you can also find a couple of flyer prints company in this state even when the map card won’t show it.

The map card also shows a couple of interesting information about the state of Massachussets:

  • State Capital ~ Boston
  • State Bird ~ Chickadee
  • State Flower ~ Arbutus

Kelly who send this card lives in Pittsfield, a 3-hour drive from the state capital that has mountains and beautiful beaches as well as lighthouses in the coast.

downtown boston skyline

postcards, postcard perfect

This beautiful view of the downtown Boston Skyline is another official Postcrossing.com card {with ID#1339476}. Isn’t it lovely?

Kristin or Volvomom wrote this at the back:

Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts, USA! I live about 30 minutes outside of this city! I love visiting Boston! There’s so much to do and see! 

How old is your son?I am a mom to twin boys who are eleven years old. They are the light of my life!

Boston is a place I’d love to visit if given the chance. It would probably be such a delight sending postcards like this back home or buying a Boston custom tshirt to giveaway to family + friends when I return from my trip! 🙂